The Queen Herself

Even without that IG filter, it's pretty glowy.

“My own FitLife Journey began in earnest just after my third child was born in December 2010. Since then, I’ve gone from inert blob to marathon runner; jazzercise participant to Spartan Racer; couch potato to Insanity graduate, marathon runner, and Spartan racer.  Here, in my own not-so-modest words, I regale you with tales of my journey – my pitfalls (no matter how embarassing), my triumphs (be they small or large), and what keeps this SAHM turned fitness enthusiast truckin’ even when I just don’t wanna.”

…It’s been a while since I wrote that little bio.  Things have changed, most notably my diagnoses of Chronic Epstein Barr Virus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and anxiety.  So while this blog began as a tale of my workout badassery, it’s travelled far from its original course.  Now I post about alternative methods of healing; the belief that food is our greatest medicine; what it’s like to live with a chronic disease.  The sweatin’ is still in there.  I’ve just made room for all the new things I want to share.

Join me, won’t you? Take some motivation, some inspiration, some enthusiasm for yourself. I have plenty to go around.

(Psst…care to join me in an event? Email me at to get more info on SweatItOut event teams!)

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